Convert your existing regular bathtub into a walk-in tub
For people with health or mobility issues: We can convert your existing bathtub to give you easy access…
Walk-in tubs are a terrific solution for older people or those with health and mobility issues. We can remove part of the side of your existing tub to make it easy to step into it without having to raise your leg, so that you can take a shower without assistance or excessive stress or pain. It’s a great idea that is reasonably priced and quickly done. It’s hundreds or thousands of dollars less expensive than buying and installing a brand new walk-in tub. A conversion only takes about 2 to 3 days to complete. Give us a call to discuss your needs.
Walk-in tub conversions:
Approximately $695 to $895. Call for a custom quote.
No two tub conversions are exactly the same. Give us a call and we’ll come over to examine your current situation, then we’ll provide a written quote.
Request a Free Estimate
